Jeb Wyman – Stories from Veterans since 9/11

Weekly Program, January 21st. Jeb Wyman an instructor at Seattle Central College has made use of his position to deal with the unique area of latter day veterans’ needs and concerns. In fact, he is publishing a book, “What They Signed Up For“.  It concerns true stories by ordinary soldiers; The proceeds will go entirely for the benefit of veterans.

He spoke of the baggage borne by those deployed in Iraq and adjacent states. In that his classes contain dozens of veterans, he had gotten close to many. In a world of scorching sun, hidden explosive devices, and deaths of close friends, many later retained deep disturbances, feelings of isolation, thoughts of suicide (at times carried out), tendencies for reckless behavior, familial ineptitude, loss of trust, and other symptoms. As was readily surmised, the grass has not grown too verdantly over their grief. All of these bespeak of demons within and come under the heading of PTSD, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Many cannot express their feelings until they meet someone like Jeb Wyman. He has been able to listen to their stories and act as an ameliorating agent.

The doctrine, “To remain silent keeps you from coming home“, has become axiomatic. Wyman’s anecdotes of the experiences and disturbances of the veterans were riveting.

Comment: These poignant episodes are yet another of the enduring harvest of an injudicious and unnecessary war. But for this reckless adventure, there would be no PTSD nor need for stricken ones to gravitate to the healing presence of a Jeb Wyman.