Call for Nominations for 2023-24 District Governor

Nominations for 2023-24 District Governor must be made by November 20, 2020.

A District Governor candidate must be a past club president who remains a Rotarian in good standing.

Here is how the nomination process works:

  1. An interested Past Club President completes the District Governor Designate Form (DGD Data Form) & the Rotary & Leadership Resume form (with resume). The candidate then gives the completed material to their Club President.  Contact for the respective forms and materials.
  2. If an individual steps forward with a completed application, our club must consider it and take action to approve it. A club may nominate only one of its members. The club adopts a Resolution of Nomination, naming the candidate at a regular club meeting. Note: a club may nominate a person from another club, which most often occurs when more than one qualified candidate steps forward in the same club.
  3. The Club President, then attests to the individual’s qualifications, certified by the Club Secretary, along with a completed DGN Data Form/ Application. These documents (together with the completed Resume) are sent to Past District Governor Alex Hopkins at no later than November 20, 2020.
  4. The 2023-2024 DG candidates will be interviewed on Tuesday afternoon, December 1st by PDG Alex Hopkins and his selection committee. The selection committee’s final decision will be announced that evening.

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