New Rotary Year, New Member: Sarah Cave

President Tim Lenihan started the Rotary Year on the right foot by adding a new member, Sarah Cave, at the July 9th meeting.  She was introduced to the Club by her sponsor Ed Brondson.

Sarah has been a Rotarian since 2008, beginning with the Longview Early Edition Club and then the Longview Noon Rotary serving through 2013.  She then relocated to Seattle and has been in the University District Rotary Club.  Her classification is Healthcare Education and starting on September 1 she will be the Senior Lecturer, Interdisciplinary Health Services Administration Program at the UW School of Public Health in the Department of Health Services.

She is also on the planning committee for the Kidney Research Institute’s annual gala fundraiser, is active with her daughter’s school (Bright Water), and serves as a mentor to students in the UW Master of Health Services Administration Program.

Please welcome Sarah Cave as the newest member of University Sunrise RC.

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President’s Dinner 2014

RYOnce again University Sunrise Rotary had a successful and fun President’s Dinner and Auction. Also, once again, special thanks for organizing the event go to Holly Whitcomb-Henry, Colleen Johnson and Nancy Bittner. Auctioneer Scott Jamieson entertained, brow-beat and extorted members into parting with their money.

Nancy Bolin and Mike Madden shared the 2013-14 Rotarians of the Year Award – Well deserved for their leadership and organization of the Debutes & Discoveries Event.