University Sunrise Rotary Club Members, As your President Elect and Debuts & Discoveries Chair, I would like to extend a formal thank you to everyone for our successful 2016 Debuts & Discoveries Event. Everyone in the club participated in some way, from promotion to ticket sales to set-up to cleanup. You showed the power of a group of individuals working toward a common goal.
While the final numbers are not in, it appears we raised $20,000+ at the event. This year’s selected recipient, Oudoors for All, will receive $10,000 for their adaptive cycling program. The remaining dollars will allow our club to have a significant impact in the community and be able to offer support to others in the coming year as the opportunity arises.
I would also like to publicly thank Ed Bronsdon, the Operational Chair, without whom this event could not have taken place. Thanks also to our President, Tim Lenihan, and Nancy Bolin, last year’s Event Chair, who provided me invaluable support throughout the planning process.
Fellow Club Members, take a bow. I am proud to be associated with such a great group of Rotarians; the University Sunrise Rotary Club. Again, you have my heartfelt thanks for your efforts.
Yours In Rotary,
Jim Horrigan, President Elect and 2016 Debuts & Discoveries Event Chair