Join the University Sunrise Rotary Club for a program featuring our member, Joe Diehl.
The program will be presented in-person and on Zoom on Thursday morning informally beginning at 7 a.m. The formal meeting including the program runs from 7:30-8:30 a.m. No registration is required, and the program is free.
The in-person meeting will be at the Wedgwood Community Church at 8201 30th Ave NE, Seattle.
The meeting will also be available via Zoom. You can click here to join the Zoom meeting.

Joseph B. Diehl CPA JD FMCHC joined University Sunrise Rotary Club in 2021. Joe’s career path has taken him from the for-profit sector as a Chief Financial Officer – to more recently, the nonprofit sector with a focus on Tribal housing advocacy and support. Joe officially retired in 2016 yet continues to provide consulting services and facilitating workshops in the nonprofit sector, as a way of “giving back.” His personal mission is to inspire and empower others who share his core values and beliefs.
The Power of GRATITUDE. From the dawn of humanity, a strange and uniquely human trait of gratitude emerged. With it, came power. Hunter-gatherers who recognized gratitude and enlisted collaboration were more likely to succeed and prosper vs. those who used force and punishment to enlist others to serve them. The dominance of the Homo Sapiens species grew exponentially from nomadic tribalism to our current highly complex, interdependent technological society. Gratitude however – isn’t a necessary factor for progress. For example, forced compliance using fear and the threat of punishment allows kings, dictators and military leaders from having to build loyalty, a sense of a common purpose and a shared vision for the future. Yet, the lack of commitment or blind obedience to serve that tyrant may wane, only to undermine his/her power and influence. Further, behavioral science theory finds that people who view themselves as victims or who blame others for their situation – reflects a total disregard for the concept that grateful people are powerful people. Joe examines the uniquely human attribute of gratitude and how to use techniques that focus on building collaborations, commitment to a cause, trust and respect. Joe will also explore the benefits of practicing gratitude daily.