It is hard to imagine anyone more qualified to speak about the pandemic. Jonathan Mayer is a Professor of Epidemiology and Geography at the University of Washington. He is an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Medicine, (Division of Infectious Diseases), Department of Family Medicine, and in Health Services, Global Health. He is Program Director, joint degree: MPH in Epidemiology/PhD Biocultural Anthropology.
Program Notes by Hal Beals:
Dr. Jonathan Mayer, Emeritus Professor of Epidemiology at the University of Washington presented “What’s New with Covid”, his 4th presentation to the club since before and during the pandemic.
The Delta variant was hard to see last spring but by early summer 2021 it was here. Delta accounts for 99.7% of Covid infections and is very contagious. To reach “herd immunity”, 90% of the population must be vaccinated. In Seattle and Western Washington, the peak in new infections and death has passed. Compared to earlier in the year, major increases in infections and deaths are in the northern Great Plains and Rocky Mountain states, reaching into Eastern Washington.
The Merck Covid 19 pill is being reviewed by the FDA now. In clinical trials it is 50% effective in preventing hospitalization and deaths. Booster shots, especially the Pfizer seem to be effective because the benefits of the 2nd Pfizer shot are reduced after 6 months. Some ethical concerns surround the use of boosters when so many poor nations are unvaccinated compared to wealthy countries
The Moderna vaccine has 3X the RNA than the Pfizer vaccine and is more potent and lasts longer than the Pfizer and Johnson and Johnson vaccines. At 6 months from the 2nd shot, Moderna is 75% more effective than either Pfizer or J & J.
As to the use and effectiveness of masks, Dr. Mayer stated that cloth and bandanna masks are not effective and should not be used. Even the common so-called surgical masks are not as effective as the N-95, KN-95 and KF-94 that block more aerosols and droplets.
Covid will be around for many years to come – like seasonal flu. However, it is much more dangerous and long lasting as it effects every system in the body including the lungs, the heart and the brain. It is deadly.