Lawrence White was born in Seattle, WA 1970 to mother Sylvia (White) and father Lawrence Sr. (Black) and raised in south Seattle Rainier Beach area. He will be sharing his story about what it was like growing up in a mixed race household in Seattle. He lived there from 1970-1988 and then again from 1992-today.
He graduated from Rainier Beach High School in 1988 and from Seattle Central College 2000. Mr. White went into the Army right out of high school and returned to the Seattle area afterwards. He married his high school sweetheart in 1989 and will celebrate 33 years this year!
Lawrence and his wife had two beautiful daughters Marianna and Shaelanna. They have a 3rd daughter Ausha who is actually his cousin–Lawrence stepped in as dad and granddad when she was in high school. He also has three granddaughters: Audrey (8) and Maddy (4) from Marianna and Zoe (10) from Ausha.
Lawrence worked several different jobs through the 1990’s and began his IT career in 2000. He owned an Information Security business 2000-2012 that started as security testing and ended in security training. Lawrence started in IT in the retirement community industry in 2001 and has been doing it ever since, working at Covenant Living at the Shores since February 2019.
Thanks to Victoria Wenick for arranging this program!