We will again be doing a Toys For Tots drive this year. The time to start is right now. Many of you have already started your Christmas shopping. Just add a toy or toys to your Christmas shopping list. All toys will be collected at the December 3 Holiday Party. Remember, do not wrap your items!
Below are some instructions to help with your toy selection.
–Nancy Bolin
Most campaign sites are able to assist children up to age 12, but in many local communities, local support is such that the age limit may be extended to 14-16.
Toys for Tots does not publish a list of appropriate toys to donate. If such a list were created, most would follow it, resulting in a limited selection of items to distribute in each community. We would rather our donors consider what might be an appropriate gift for their own child/relative, purchase the item, and donate to Toys for Tots.
The Foundation does purchase supplemental toys/gifts for our campaign sites and focuses on these age groups. In the past, items purchased for these groups have included, but are not limited to: sporting equipment/bags/balls; books, backpacks, cosmetics, purses, watch/wallet gift sets, bath gift sets, board games, radio control cars/trucks, hand-held electronics, skateboards/helmets, curling irons, hair straighteners, and hair dryers.