By Jeff Brennan, District 5030 Foundation Chair and Rotary Club of Mill Creek, President 2014-15, Rotary Academy Graduate 2013
Despite the pandemic and the financial challenges it has presented to many, I want to thank you for the continuing focus on supporting The Rotary Foundation. At the end of April, our district ranked number 1 in Zone 27 in overall giving, just over one million dollars! For those of you not familiar, Zone 27 encompasses the Rotary districts in most of Washington, all of Idaho, Oregon, Montana, Utah, and Wyoming, and the northern portions of California, Nevada and Colorado.
In addition, at the end of April our district ranked 43rd of all Rotary districts in the world in Annual Fund giving per capita, at $171.14. The Annual Fund is critical because the dollars given to the Annual Fund support our district and global grant projects. EREY, “Every Rotarian Every Year” is a special recognition given to clubs with 100% of their member contributing at least $25 to the Annual Fund. We already have 4 clubs who have achieved EREY status, Duvall, Kirkland, Lake Union Neighborhood and Seattle Northeast – Thank You. And many more clubs are close – see below for an update as of May 8.
Our ability to continue to fund projects through district and global grants depends on our members continuing support of The Rotary Foundation Annual Fund. Please continue to encourage your members to donate so we can close out this Rotary year strong. To this end, I invite all of you (and anyone else interested from your clubs) to join me on Tuesday, May 18th at 4pm for a Zoom (see logon information below) call for a more comprehensive look at our Foundation giving and discussion on ending the year strong. Details are below and a calendar notice is attached. I will be sending the presentation afterwards if you cannot join live. Again, thank you for your continuing support of The Rotary Foundation.

The Annual column is Annual Fund per Capita giving. This is the total amount of giving to The Rotary Foundation Annual Fund divided by the number of members your club had as of July 1, 2020 (it’s pretty close to being an average dollar contribution per member depending on your club’s current membership number). Data is as of May 8, 2021.
Zoom Call, D5030 Rotary Foundation Giving Update/Closing Out the Year Strong
Tuesday, May 18th 4 – 4:45pm.
Meeting ID: 203 779 6231
Passcode: Family