Here is a link to the actual recorded presentation.
Emma Le Du is the Executive Director and Administrator of TINFA. She has an Engineering degree in Robotics and Electronics and a Master of Public Administration from the Kennedy School, Harvard.
Her program shared our club’s involvement with the schools in Guatemala that we have helped sponsor.
Since 2015, our club has partnered with TINFA (Technology and Information for All) to bring technology equipment and training to teachers in underserved communities in rural Guatemala.
Our club donated funds of $30,000; partnered with other Rotary clubs that donated a little over $20,000; we applied for matching district funds and RI grants and our total funds of $146,479 have help support 10 schools, train 45 teachers, and teach 1,125 students to date. We logged on to one of the classrooms in Guatemala and watched children learning the vowels.

The mission of this local non-profit, co-founded by Executive Director, Emma Le Du, is to empower teachers to bring 21st century skills to students in Rural areas of Latin America, bringing hope for the future.
Emma brought us up to date on the progress of our latest Global Grant project involving the schools, Escuela Belen, Escuela Estancia y Pinales, Escuela Calauache, and Escuela Las Marias. She covered the current conditions in Guatemala, particularly the impact of Covid-19 on the teachers and students, the progress of training at the four schools, and TINFA’s focus for the future.

Emma is the Executive Director and founder of TINFA. She has been in Information Technology for over 15 years, at Microsoft and at in various positions in International and Program Management. She has been Senior Technical Program Manager at the Grameen Foundation, dedicated to helping people in poverty, worldwide. She spent two years in Lao P.D.R, as a computer consultant to the European Union and UNDP.
Emma holds an Engineering degree in Robotics and Electronics (ESIGELEC in Rouen, France) and a Master of Public Administration from the Kennedy School (Harvard University) with a focus on Leadership and International Development.