Who Is This Man?

At Rotary, we have no tolerance for racism. Promoting respect, celebrating diversity, demanding ethical leadership, and working tirelessly to advance peace are central tenets of our work.
We have more work to do to create more just, open and welcoming communities for all people.
We know there are no easy fixes and that challenging conversations and work lie before all of us. Rotary’s strength has long been our ability and commitment to bringing people together. We will tap into that strength now as we stand with those who are working for peace and justice.
Rotary will do our part to listen, learn and take action to ensure that we continue to contribute to making positive change.
Rotary District 5030 has offered the following statement to Rotary Clubs in our District. Our Club has agreed to lend our name in support.
As Rotarians of Greater Seattle, we engage in solidarity with Americans across our community and the nation. We acknowledge the pain and suffering that systemic injustice and oppression inflict. We stand in unity with all Black Americans and other communities of color throughout our country.
We salute the millions who have marched peaceably in our streets. We embrace demand for change—in law enforcement, policing tactics, the criminal justice system, healthcare system, public and private education, employment opportunity and housing. We stand in solidarity against injustice and inequity. As Rotarians, we pledge our support for long-term, fundamental change in anti-racist policies and practices to stamp out oppression and discrimination in our communities.
Rotary is committed to playing a positive role in educating, engaging in healing dialogue and finding ways to collaborate with business, government, academia and the non- profit sectors. We will explore ways to root out systemic racism and seek greater equality, justice and inclusion. In doing so, we will use the Rotary Four Way Test as our guide in the things we think, say or do:
“Failed plans should not be interpreted as a failed vision. Visions don’t change, they are only refined. Plans rarely stay the same and are scrapped or adjusted as needed. Be stubborn about the vision, but flexible with your plan.
John C. Maxwell
We cannot always control everything that happens to us in this life, but we can control how we respond and keep our vision in focus. As Rotarians, we do what only Rotarians do, we walk the talk: Service About Self!
No one will remember how we responded day-to-day, week-to-week, or month-to-month about the decisions during this time. But we do know that what we did what was right, and there are thousands of our fellow Washingtonians and people around the world that have benefited from the work that we do.
As District Governor, it was a privilege to sign approximately 180 global and community grant requests which includes 110 Covid-19 related grants that benefited our local community directly. From food banks, PPE’s, supporting first responders, children in need or Seniors, the list is quite extensive. Club and District funds have donated over $350,000 in the last 3 months alone.
We should all be proud of the work that we do, but it would never have happened without your contributions to the Rotary Foundation.
Good news, as the year ends, the District is #1 in the Zone for Foundation giving and #24 in the world. We are #1 in per capita in the Zone for Foundation giving and #19 in the world. We are #2 in the Zone for giving to Polio Plus (just $1,500 behind). I would like to have us be #1!
To ensure our future efforts in community and global activities, we need to be consistent in our giving to the Foundation. This will allow us to continue to do the work that we do so well. Every Rotarian Every Year (EREY)!
I have so many people to thank but instead of having a long list of names, we are having the Peace and District Awards Ceremony on June 17th at 6:30. It’s another Zoom meeting. Grab your favorite adult beverage and tune in. Look for the link in this newsletter.
It has been an honor and a privilege to be your District Governor this past year and I look forward in seeing everyone in person.
Yours in Rotary,
William McElroy
Seattle Mariners have designated their July 3rd game night against the St. Louis Cardinals as “End Polio Night”! Special blocks of seats have been set aside and a portion of the ticket proceeds and additional funding will go towards the fight to end polio…estimated proceeds for the evening are over $30,000! And, this will be matched 2:1 by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation!
Some other fun things about the evening:
A lot of work has gone into this by our own district PolioPlus
Committee Chair, Steve Crane, and a host of others. I encourage you to get the
word out to your club members, families and friends and support this great
event and the fight to end polio. Tickets are $25 each for View Level and
$45 each for Main Level seating and are only available on line at Mariners.com/Polio<http://Mariners.com/Polio>.
Please share the link.
The Christy Goff Health Express made another stop at our station, this time bearing tidings about some fall-winter assaults upon the erstwhile immune system. To encapsulate:
In general, whole foods (vegetables, grains, fruits) are beneficial. One should limit sugar, alcohol, and smoking, which abet inflammation and compromise the immune system. Fermented foods, i.e., yogurt, sauerkraut, have a probiotic effect. Adding “zing” in the form of herbs and spices is of anti-inflammatory value.
For the holidays, choose only one sugar and savor it. Garlic and onions are antibacterial and antifungal. Supplements and herbs: Echinacea vs. colds; Elderberry vs. flu. Zinc, Vitamins C & D mitigate vs. flu and cold
The immune system ages. In the elderly, consider as serious shortness of breath and fever of over 100 that persists
Last week, we heard from Erin Kershaw of Concierge Care Advisors. This is a group that concerns itself with the inevitabilities that beset the aging. The two main issues concern housing and the management of one’s personal affairs. She stated the sobering fact that. sooner or later, a person will need help. Dementia, illness, or injuries will bring a person to this point. Dementia is extremely prevalent and at times may afflict even the relatively young. This said, what are the options, both for physical care and for the setting of legal and financial matters in order?
The domiciliary levels of care, tailored to the individual situation, are these:
–The home. If it is elected to keep a person at home, it may be feasible if private duty nursing care is in place and if medical care is gotten from the outside. It is to be noted that this is an expensive way to go, probably more so than another type of residence.
–Retirement and assisted living. This has the advantage of community, a social life, a common dining room, a bus for transportation, and a feeling of security. One must, however, bring about one’s medical care independently. Medicaid is generally not accepted.
–Adult family home. In such a facility, occupancy is limited to six. State guidelines prevail. If money runs out, transition to Medicaid occurs and the resident is not forced to move. These facilities do not accept Medicaid on a person’s arrival.
–Memory care. This is a type of facility that is attached to assisted living. It will not do Medicaid.
–Skilled nursing facility. This is more clinical and has similarities to a hospital. Physical therapy and short-term rehabilitation are offered here. While people rarely would choose such a place in which to spend the rest of their days, some have to. The cost is high. Medicare will not cover this when physical therapy and other modalities can no longer result in progress.
It is well to make one’s plans, prior to any crisis. These include–
The speaker concluded with the matter of “tough conversation” with one needing help or one who makes the decisions for such a person. It entails wishes versus reality. A person’s wishes may be to remain at home, pass assets on to family, and maintain independence. Quite often the reality is that the individual and family are in denial about health care needs. The family cannot provide it. The home is not adequate for safe living. There will be social isolation.
And, she finished, correctly, with, “The TV is not your friend.”
Comment: ‘Tis always the other guy, till ’tis oneself.
Saturday, September 8, 2018. We organized an excellent event at the Nickelsville Tiny Home Project which is just across the street from Ivar’s Salmon House. The objective of the project was to provide a good walking surface for residents in the village. The ground surface was unimproved making it difficult to walk between the houses and kitchen and bathroom. When we approached the Nickelsville residents several months ago inquiring how we could assist, they identified this as the most important improvement. They were very excited to make this project a success.
This was a team project intended to bring neighbors together. The University Sunrise Rotary Club worked side-by-side with Nickelsville residents and the Wallingford Community Council to get the job done. It was be a great time to work hard and make new friends.
More photos, https://www.flickr.com/photos/125163167@N05/albums and https://www.facebook.com/USRotary
At last week’s meeting, our esteemed member, Dr. Harold Elner, MD, called upon his career as a specialist in urology to give us the basic structure, functions, diseases and remedies for the genito-urinary system. All in the space of 25 minutes or so. And he kept it “clean,” PG-rated at most. President Ryan Hamilton expressed appreciation for Dr. Hal’s educational talk and for his discretely avoiding the really graphic stuff. Here is a sample:
Conclusion and Comment: Sooner or later, everyone meets the urologist.
*The drawings used in this presentation were by the celebrated medical artist, Frank Netter, M.D. Dr. Netter was a graduate of DeWitt Clinton High School, Bronx (preceding the speaker there by about a generation). His artistic talent was such that he left his medical practice to devote full time to these drawings that are known worldwide.
As a club we are fortunate to have members who are well versed in several topics, such is our resident historian, Arnold Swanberg. Arnold provided an evaluation of North Korea’s military capability as compared to that of its adversaries. This type of information, hitherto under secrecy, is made available via satellites.
And so, the information is as follows:
Arnold then showed pictures of the various NK planes, notably an American helicopter. This originated when the Reagan administration sent the model to Germany which forthwith gave it to NK. In fact, it is better than ours. It seems a fact that NK uses obsolete aircraft, obtained from Russia and China. Their main attack plane is Russian. Otherwise NK does not operate advanced aircraft.
The US, averred Arnold, has had a habit of attacking, or stimulating uprisings, at regimes it does not like, to wit, Iraq, Syria, Serbia, Libya, Egypt. In such cases, US security was not at stake nor involved. In this setting, the balance of power favors SK and the US. NK needed a way to deal with the US. Thus arose its nuclear program. The situation promises to worsen. Arnold feels that Trump is on the right track in the policy regarding NK and its nukes.
Comment: There are many variables aside from the nuclear one. One is China and what it might do in cases of confrontation.
Editor’s note: Arnold is also one of our least photographed members.