This week’s special speakers are you! It is time to share what has been going on in your lives. As a twist, the theme this week is what is a fun or scenic place to visit in Washington State and/or Oregon that others may have missed? If possible, be prepared to show pictures (3 max! – you know who you are…). This could be attractions, hobby stores (e.g. yarn store), scenic drives, places to camp, events, etc.
The program will be presented on Zoom only on Thursday morning with the Zoom line opening at 7 a.m. The formal meeting including the program runs from 7:30-8:30 a.m. No registration is required, and the program is free.
Meeting ID: 946 736 1600
Passcode: 255132
One tap mobile
+12532050468,,9467361600#,,,,*255132# US
+12532158782,,9467361600#,,,,*255132# US (Tacoma)