Monica Cortes Viharo, Communication Skills

Emanating from the UW School of Drama, Monica Cortes Viharo provided a set of sine qua nons in confronting an audience. She began with a few examples of the wrong things to do. Thus, were enumerated communication skills in everyday life, with or without addressing a large group. As follows:

  • Eye contact. Without it, one is not engaged nor communicating.
  • Intonation. This should entail variety. A flat affect makes for loss of listeners’ interest.
  • Do not show discomfort.
  • Body Language. Crossing arms shows insecurity, as if the speaker is defensive. In 30 seconds, all can be lost.
  • Ergo, engagement or disengagement happens in the first 30 seconds.
  • Narrative. The ability to tell one depends upon a clear, specific beginning and a clear ending.
  • Preparation. Be in a presentative state of mind. Prepare to take charge. Show with confidence that “I’ve got you.”
  • It is re-emphasized to start with a smile. 
  • Ahead of time, tighten abdominal muscles and do not slouch. Do deep breathing. Warm up with tongue twisters.
  • Stretch. Do some power poses.
  • During the address, keep going, even if a mistake is made.

Comment: Have a look at a speaker, possibly on TV, and see how many of the requirements are met.