Dr. Hal’s Corner

An old physician, Doctor Gordon Geezer, became very bored in retirement and decided to re-open a medical clinic.

He put a sign up outside that said: “Dr. Geezer’s clinic. Get your treatment for $500 – if not cured, get back $1,000.”

Doctor Digger Young, who was positive that this old geezer didn’t know beans about medicine, thought this would be a great opportunity to get $1,000. So he went to Dr. Geezer’s clinic.

Dr. Young: “Dr. Geezer, I have lost all taste in my mouth. Can you please help me?”

Dr. Geezer: “Nurse, please bring medicine from box 22 and put 3 drops in Dr. Young’s mouth.”

Dr. Young: ‘Aaagh! — This is gasoline!”

Dr. Geezer: “Congratulations!

You’ve got your taste back. That will be $500.”

Dr. Young gets annoyed and goes back after a couple of days figuring to recover his money.

Dr. Young: “I have lost my memory, I cannot remember anything.”

Dr. Geezer: “Nurse, please bring medicine from  box 22 and put 3 drops in the patient’s mouth.”

Dr. Young: “Oh, no you don’t — that is gasoline!”

Dr. Geezer: “Congratulations! You’ve got your memory back. That will be $500.”

Dr. Young (after having lost $1000) leaves angrily and comes back after several more days.

Dr. Young: “My eyesight has become weak — I can hardly see anything!”

Dr. Geezer: “Well, I don’t have any medicine for that so, “Here’s your $1000 back” (giving him a $10 bill).

Dr. Young: “But this is only $10!”

Dr. Geezer: “Congratulations! You got your vision back! That will be $500.”

*Moral of story* — Just because you’re “Young” doesn’t mean that you can outsmart an “old Geezer”


Don’t make old people mad. We don’t like being old in the first place, so it doesn’t take much to tick us off.


P.S. Written in large print for old Geezers.

Marvin Charles, DADS (Divine Alternatives for Dads Services)

The Club is running a series of programs designed to increase our understanding of race relations and, hopefully, point us in ways to be more helpful in dealing with these issues.

Our speaker on August 27, 2020 was Marvin Charles, the Executive Director and Co-Founder of DADS (Divine Alternatives for Dads Services).

Marvin Charles has emerged as a community and national leader in creating stronger fathers and healthier families. Because of his own powerful story of separation from and then reunification with his own family, parents and children, and his 15+ years of helping others reclaim the positive role of fathers to their families, he is an experienced and trusted mentor and advisor. He has traveled all over the U.S. to speak about empowering fathers, to learn from other national leaders and to share our successes with other organizations hoping to implement fatherhood programs. Marvin Charles is an ordained minister and his extraordinary effectiveness comes from his ability to see through the pain and threats of those he counsels to the powerful change possible by embracing a living God and larger purpose. Neither class or ethnicity poses an obstacle to him being heard. 

“A General in Satan’s Army.” That is how Marvin Charles describes himself in the first portion of his life. He had eight kids. Four were born crack addicted.

“High. Crime. Time.”

He was about to abandon his seven-month old daughter, when he began to turn his life around.

And turn around, he did. Today, he is Founder and Executive Director of DADS (Divine Alternatives for Dads Services), and organization dedicated to model healthy relationships as a means of creating healthier fathers and families, to stop to cycle of family violence and brokenness in order to improve the lives of children, and to encourage fathers to become agents of change in their communities. Operating now for twenty years, DADS has helped over 4,000 fathers. DADS helps fathers understand child support issues (including both rights and obligations) and works to help create parenting plans.

Fatherlessness, says Marvin, is the #1 problem in this country that costs our nation $100 billion per year. Marvin experiences were both illuminating and meaningful to our Club.

Fathers, he said, are critical role models. It is better to have a bad father role model, than no role model. Bad fathers, he said, at least show kids a path to avoid.

Lots to think about from this presentation.

There is a lot more information on the DADS website.


Dear Rotarians,

It our pleasure to announce to you that the African region has just been certified wild poliovirus-free.

Rotary members have played an invaluable role in the effort to rid the African region of wild polio. We should be proud of all the hard work that we’ve done to eliminate the wild poliovirus throughout Africa and in nearly every country in the world. 

This progress is the result of a decades-long effort across the 47 countries of the African region. It has involved millions of health workers traveling by foot, boat, bike and bus, innovative strategies to vaccinate children amid conflict and insecurity, and a huge disease surveillance network to test cases of paralysis and check sewage for the virus. 

Over the last two decades, countless Rotary members in countries across the African region and around the world have worked together to raise funds, immunize children, advocate with local and national leaders, and raise awareness about the importance of vaccination, enabling the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) to effectively respond to and stop polio outbreaks. 

This milestone is an incredible public health achievement for Rotary members, the African region, and our GPEI partners, and a huge step forward on the road to global polio eradication. But we still have important work to do in order to eradicate wild polio in the last two endemic countries.

We have faced many challenges in our journey to eradicate polio. But we’ve made remarkable progress, and the polio infrastructure that Rotarians helped build will serve as a lasting legacy that will continue to help protect vulnerable children against other diseases for decades to come.

We are calling on you today to recommit yourselves to ending polio. We need each and every one of you to help finish this fight and continue raising $50 million each year for PolioPlus. The eradication of wild polio in the African region shows us that polio eradication is achievable, and shows how our hard work, partnerships and financial commitment continue to propel us forward, even during a global pandemic.

Thank you for your continued efforts, for achieving a wild polio-free African region, and for remaining committed to fulfilling our promise of a polio-free world.

Holger Knaack                                                                                K.R. Ravindran
President, Rotary International                       Chair, The Rotary Foundation

Rotary International President Holger Knaack and Nigeria National PolioPlus Chair Dr. Tunji Funsho congratulate Rotarians on eradicating wild polio in the African Region. Watch here.

Dr. Hal’s Corner

French Country Restaurant …This is a 90 second video from a small country restaurant in France, which keeps its customers entertained while they are waiting for the main course.

The French restaurant “Le Petit Chef (Little Chef)” came up with an original way to entertain guests while waiting for their order by using an overhead projector on the ceiling. 

The animation is on the table and your plate.There is a small chef who appears on your plate.  Watch what he does!

After you click the website below, wait until the item comes on your screen, then click the arrow to start the video.

Bon Appétit… https://www.youtube.com/embed/yBJEP4lsRFY

The Honorable Alex Pedersen, Seattle City Council

Councilmember Alex Pedersen spoke to the Club on August 20, 2020. He represents the Fourth Council District, which is Northeast Seattle. He was elected in 2019 and his term of office runs through 2023.

In his remarks, Councilmember Pedersen spoke about a wide array of Seattle issues covering everything from the cuts in the Navigation Team to dealing with electric scooters.

Several of our members were quite dismayed by his treatment by protesters over the last several months. Those in favor of a fifty percent cut in the police force budget have shown up at his home five times in the last few weeks in what must have been frightening episodes. The first was at 10:45 at night with his wife, children, and a sleepover child friend. Councilmember Pedersen has been forced to move his family out of his house.

The Councilmember answered several questions including one about the new district elections in Seattle. He noted that only Portland still has the at-large system in the USA and that voting at-large is very rare. He expressed hope that, over time, the district elections would prove to be a successful system.

Bill McCutcheon: “On A Cruise Ship–Navy-Style”

By Tom Ranken

Bill McCutcheon made a return performance speaking to the club on August 13, 2020. He presented a overview primer on US Navy flight operations on an aircraft carrier. He highlighted a 1956 tour of duty that he took aboard the USS Lexington in the Pacific. He gave a fascinating talk on what it was like to be working on a carrier and covered many different aspects.

Here is link to a three minute video of 2019 carrier flight operations aboard the USS John C. Stennis that Bill recommended.

Ironically, my father was a Supply Corp officer on the same ship at the same time. My recollection is that he bought a camera on the trip in Japan and was an avid photographer. Below you will find some of the pictures of the trip.

USS Lexington
Launching Operations
Landing Operations
My dad, LTJG John Ranken, my mother, Corinne, and me. I am the small one.
My father told my grandmother that, as space was so limited on a carrier, the planes had folding wings. They flapped them in order to take off.

Bill is a retired CPA and business consultant.  He received a BA in Business Administration in Accounting from the University of Washington. In the Navy. he served aboard aircraft carriers and on anti-sub patrol aircraft.  He also holds a private pilot certificate.  

Bill is a Docent and a member of the Board of Trustees at The Museum of Flight. 

As a Docent, he is a tour guide, instructor in docent training and youth education, member of the museum’s Speakers’ Bureau and has been involved in all aspects of docent leadership.   

His public speaking engagements on aviation history include: The Museum of Flight, Seattle; Historic Flight Foundation, Paine Field; Washington Aviation Conference; Washington Seaplane Pilots Assn.; Quiet Birdmen, Seattle Hangar; 446th Airlift Wing-Jt. Base Lewis-McChord; 93rd Bomb Group reunion and other civic, community and retirement organizations.”

Dr. Amitabha Gupta, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, “The History of Vaccines”

Our program on August 6, 2020, featured Dr. Amitabha “Guppy” Gupta of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.  Dr. Gupta is the scientific content strategist for the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Philanthropy Department; and was formerly part of the Fred Hutch Basic Sciences team.  Dr. Gupta has a BA in Molecular Biology from Colgate and a PhD from Columbia in Cell/Cellular and Molecular Biology.

You can find Dr. Gupta’s slides here.

Surprisingly, Dr. Gupta noted that a quarter of the researchers at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center were doing viral work.

To achieve ‘herd immunity’ from Covid-19, 60-70% of the population must become immune from the disease.  This can occur as the result of natural immunity (recovering from the illness) or from vaccines.  In some ways, both accomplish the same thing:  The body is ‘taught’ to fight the virus.

Dr. Gupta noted that social distancing and masks are effective at reducing transmission.  He recommended wearing masks—even while running.

The virus, he said, enters the lungs and makes lots of copies of itself, destroying macrophages.

He talked about mechanisms to defeat the virus:  Neutralization blocks the process in which the virus binds to cells.  Opsonization and sensitization/complement activation reduce the severity of the disease.

Dr. Gupta noted that is normal for antibodies to fade in the body following the illness.  If re-exposed, however, the body will manufacture new antibodies to fight the disease.

The first vaccine was for smallpox.  It was discovered in 1796.  Twenty million people died from small pox in the twentieth century.  It required 184 years to fully eradicate the disease (in 1980).

The current research to acquire a vaccine against Covid-19 is radically different.  Normally, vaccine approval requires three phases of trials which normally require from five to more than seven years of trials.  Operation Warp Speed, he said, is combining all three phases.  There is, he said, “a level of collaboration never seen before.”  Normally, there are 2-3 trials of vaccines; there are 157 vaccines in trials as of July 29 in development.  Thirty-five of these efforts are now in clinical trials.

While there is never certainty in science, there is reason for great optimism in these development efforts.

Thank you to David and Pam Mushen for securing this program.

Phil Reid, Vice Provost, University of Washington: “COVID and the UW”

Our program on Thursday, July 30, 2020, featured Phil Reid, Ph.D, Vice Provost for Academic & Student Affairs at the University of Washington.

Dr. Reid is responsible for initiatives and services that improve the student and faculty experience at the University of Washington. Activities include development and support of modern pedagogy, instructional space planning, alignment of student curricular and co-curricular activities, student success and retention analytics, development and deployment of IT systems that support teaching and learning, support of enrollment management, development and support of faculty development initiatives. Dr. Reid is a Professor of Chemistry.

Dr. Reid told is that the University of Washington began to monitor the coronavirus as early as January 2020.

The campus is not closed today, but is scaled back. Approximately 2,000 people are still working there.

Making the quick shift to online programs was a challenge. Two thousand students requested financial aid for things like food, rent and Internet access. Many students, he said, were really struggling. Two thousand computers were sent out in two days. Zoom is now a normal part of the workings of the University–the license for which was only first activated this year.

For the fall, Dr. Reid is planning for a hybrid instructional model. there will be some programs that require onsite instruction, such as labs. Many programs, including large classroom settings, will be fully online.

The residence halls are open, but are expected to be abut sixty percent of capacity.

Dr. Reid was generous in answering questions. He closed by noting that the University of Washington is more than an academic institution. It is an institution of learning, fellowship, and community.

Important roles that are compromised under the current conditions.

Statement on Racism from Rotary International

At Rotary, we have no tolerance for racism. Promoting respect, celebrating diversity, demanding ethical leadership, and working tirelessly to advance peace are central tenets of our work.

We have more work to do to create more just, open and welcoming communities for all people.

We know there are no easy fixes and that challenging conversations and work lie before all of us. Rotary’s strength has long been our ability and commitment to bringing people together. We will tap into that strength now as we stand with those who are working for peace and justice. 

Rotary will do our part to listen, learn and take action to ensure that we continue to contribute to making positive change.