Program: Sue Nixon, BloodWorks Northwest, “Rotarians: Bold for Blood,” August 17, 2023

Sue Nixon

It takes 1,000 donors a day to sustain a blood supply for patients in our community. Blood is central to patient care, cancer treatment, traumas and surgeries. The ripple effect of blood shortages is far reaching in public health and in our economy. Faced with an aging donor base, a shrinking donor base, and missing student donors, we must work together on new and innovative ways to educate our community on the importance of giving blood and hosting drives before a generation of donors passes. That’s where Rotary and you come in.

Cathy Gibson, Past District Governor, Rotary District 5030

Sue lives on her houseboat in Lake Union, sings regularly with a variety of local bands and is loving her pandemic project of learning how to sail

Sue Nixon has more than 25 years of leadership and consulting experience in marketing, branding and communications that spans the private, public and non-profit sectorsShe served as chief executive officer of Fitch global design studio in Seattle – part of a worldwide network of retail and brand experts. Sue applied her skills to the non-profit arena as president of Seattle 4 Rotary club in 2016, realized her passion for community service and following her term took on her role at Bloodworks Northwest, where she manages all aspects of community engagement and donor recruitment to ensure a safe and reliable blood supply for patients in our community who need care.