The University Sunrise Rotary Club was recognized by Rotary District 5030 for outstanding membership growth during the 2020-21 Rotary year. We started the year, on July 1, 2020, with 31 members. As of April 9, 2021 we are at 43 members (growth of 39 percent). With three new members in the pipeline, we hope to see that continue!
Find the District Newsletter here. Here is the content of the Newsletter:

Congratulations to the University Sunrise Rotary Club for Outstanding Membership Growth!
Clubs all across our district have welcomed new members this year, and many have experienced a net increase in membership since July 1st. Impressively, the University Sunrise club has seen a 20% growth in membership since the beginning of the 2020- 2021 Rotary year.
“We have been very intentional about a number of things this year,” says Club President Tom Ranken. “We have built up our database considerably and we use it every week to let the greater community know about our programs and our projects. By getting the word out, it helps build a positive brand for the Club in the community.” Ranken adds: “We have been more aggressive about asking people to join the Club. If you show up for a meeting or two, you will be asked if you are interested in joining us.”
What are club members saying about the University Sunrise club?
“I joined mainly for networking opportunities, was blown away by the great speakers and then the service projects really pulled me in.”
“I was a longtime Scoutmaster. One of the parents in our troop invited me to a club meeting. After meeting some members, I realized Rotary was scouting for big kids.”
“I attended a meeting, received a friendly greeting from Club members, enjoyed breakfast, and listened to an interesting presentation from the speaker. I decided then and there that University Sunrise Rotary was the organization I wanted to join. And I did.”
“I visited for the programs and stayed for the service.”
“I rejoined Rotary by becoming a member during COVID-19 in University Sunrise. I have always believed in service before self and defining and discovering myself by being in community with others who want to serve. Joining University Sunrise is like discovering you have this wonderful extended family you never knew about.”
“I joined because it seems that the country is losing its sense of community. I wanted a chance to do some good with good people. Rotary is giving me that chance.”