Prior to his talk, we asked John Dobken of Energy Northwest if his talk would be convoluted and hard to summarize. His reply was, “Just keep in mind: Nuclear is good.” Then he proceeded to explain why it is so.
And here is why:
- Wind is a variable and at times is quiescent. In fact, most of it is in the Columbia Gorge.
- Time is running out in re carbon emissions and the resultant carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
- Solar energy is also hard to harvest in times of scant sunlight.
- De-carbonization is essential as regards automobiles.
- Nuclear is our largest source of energy. It is independent of the weather; produces zero greenhouse gases; used fuel is safely stored and can be recycled.
- To cut back on coal, nuclear and hydraulic power sources will suffice.
- More people are being born and will require the energy that uranium fission can provide. 3000 kilowatts = the good life.
- China, with great pollution due to coal dependence, is building nuclear plants.
- Nuclear plants run 92% of the time and can run for years.
- The wartime sludge burden at Hanford should not be confused with the storable uranium pellets used for fuel.
- Nuclear plants, water and air cooled, cannot melt down.
- Nuclear plants can pair with wind farms, both bring carbon-free.
- It is the safest.