Dr. Mike Mallahan, Audiologist: Serving those in need.

IMG_7899On March 17th our speaker: Dr. Mike Mallahan, audiologist par excellence, is wholly committed to an endeavor that brings the prospect of a better life for many.

It concerns hearing loss and its prevention. It involves screening of infants for deafness. It is known that, if the defect extends beyond two years, a child will never catch up and will face a disadvantaged lifetime. Dr. Mallahan has taken his skills, along with those of a corps of associates, to Guatemala. Allied with him are local Rotary clubs and fueling the process are Rotary grants.

In rural areas, where medical facilities and personnel are sparse, he has held screenings of newborns where, indeed, absence of hearing can be detected. At as early a stage as possible, they are fitted with hearing aids. Audiology technicians volunteer to fly in and aid in the screenings. They, in turn, train local personnel in the techniques. He gave three case histories in which children were rescued from deafness and its consequences. These represent a microcosm of the successes that are occurring. It is hoped that ophthalmologists will join the project. For the future, he envisions:

  • A Global Grant to fund more newborn screenings
  • More partner Rotary clubs to aid in funding
  • More audiology training and equipment to be financed
  • Ongoing surgical and medical supply needs to be met
  • Expansion to other Spanish-speaking countries.

Comment: As we often observe, to do a little bit at a time helps make the world a better place. Dedication and its results have a way of expanding. We have witnessed this phenomenon in a number of previous addresses to our club.


Remembering our Friend: Rev David Storm

Parrish PhotoFriday, March 11, 2016.

“Fellow Rotarians,
It is with a heavy heart that I send you this ….  Rev. David Storm passed earlier today and I wanted to make sure all of you knew of the passing of this great Rotarian. I am told he was his normal quick-wit self up till the end….just like a bright bulb that finally fades away at the end, just as he would have wanted.
An amazing man dedicated to the church and our rotary club, he will be incredibly missed.  As more details come out around services and other celebrations of life, I will let you know.” –Tim Lenihan, Club President

“The tributes that have come in e-mail form for David Storm cannot be exceeded in eloquence, nor can their sincerity be gainsaid. We are glad that he was honored in life and thus was able to feel the affection and respect of so many before he left us. As some may know, he held a pulpit for years in Port Angeles. At the time of the fiftieth anniversary celebration of his ordination, held in this city, the numbers of attendees were swelled by many who saw fit to travel from there to be present. Such was but one example of the esteem he engendered in the course of a fulfilled life.

Although he traumatically sustained splintering neck fractures that could have rendered him at least paralyzed, he was granted a recovery, possibly by One who decided that we might have him a bit longer.

The Rotarians and those at Merrill Gardens will miss his philosophy and good humor. He has left a hiatus in both places.”-Dr Harold Ellner

Such a wonderful man”.-John Reynolds

He was a fine man.”-Arnold Swanberg

Rev. Storm was a hero to me.”-Tom Ranken

“I did not know Rev. Storm very long but, as the daughter of an Episcopal priest, I enjoyed his invocations immensely and had some memorable chats with him over breakfast. I was so impressed by his commitment to Rotary and unblemished attendance record. What a remarkable man and great role model.”-Sarah Cave 

“Reverend Storm was a friend to all of us, ready at a moment’s notice to provide an invocation, and brought his sense of humor and joy to our Rotary meetings. He will be remembered well.-Lillian “Scotty” Ottaviano


Ordination anniversary IMG_9634 IMG_7409 17966357844_b12e88f503_o 18591167511_9ae09956d1_z Dave Storm's B'day_02042016 img103

 Rev Dave and Alan HDave and Santa_2014Rev D

Coach Jim Lambright joins USR

Dr Hal and Coach Lambright
Dr Hal and Coach Lambright

Jim Lambright was installed as a new  member of the University Sunrise Rotary Club. He is a former member of the Marysville Rotary Club.

Jim had an illustrious career at the University of Washington where he lettered in football his last two playing years, was named  All Conference , All Coast, and Most Inspirational player, voted on by his peers.  Jim coached and taught school in Fife before returning to the University of Washington football program as a coach where he remained for 34 years.  He coached in  394 games; 8 Rose bowls along with 20 other bowl games; participated in two national championships, one as a player and one as a coach, winning 67% of those games.

Jim has two adult  children , Eric and Christine both of whom live in the area.  He has six grandchildren. Dr Hal Ellner will be Jim’s Rotary sponsor. Welcome Coach Lambright!

Alan is wearing his Jim Lambright Celebrity Golf Classic jacket.
Alan is wearing his Jim Lambright Celebrity Golf Classic jacket.


Debuts and Discoveries Thank You from Pres Elect Jim Horrigan

Pres elect Jim Horrigan
Pres elect Jim Horrigan

University Sunrise Rotary Club Members, As your President Elect and Debuts & Discoveries Chair, I would like to extend a formal thank you to everyone for our successful 2016 Debuts & Discoveries Event.  Everyone in the club participated in some way, from promotion to ticket sales to set-up to cleanup.  You showed the power of a group of individuals working toward a common goal.

While the final numbers are not in, it appears we raised $20,000+ at the event.  This year’s selected recipient, Oudoors for All, will receive $10,000 for their adaptive cycling program.  The remaining dollars will allow our club to have a significant impact in the community and be able to offer support to others in the coming year as the opportunity arises.

I would also like to publicly thank Ed Bronsdon, the Operational Chair, without whom this event could not have taken place.  Thanks also to our President, Tim Lenihan, and Nancy Bolin, last year’s Event Chair, who provided me invaluable support throughout the planning process.

Fellow Club Members, take a bow.  I am proud to be associated with such a great group of Rotarians; the University Sunrise Rotary Club.  Again, you have my heartfelt thanks for your efforts.

Yours In Rotary,

Jim Horrigan, President Elect and 2016 Debuts & Discoveries Event Chair

Debuts and Discoveries 2016-Photos

Saturday, FOFAebruary 27th, USR sponsored our 5th Debuts and Discoveries event in Hanger 30 at Magnuson Park. Needless to say a good time was had by all. We estimated 700 people would be in attendance with about 80 volunteers. To quote a old phrase, “A good time was had by all”.

In spite of the fun, we must remember that this event was in support of “Outdoors for All Foundation“.








Outdoors for All volunteers managed check in.


Why are these people laughing?
Why are these people laughing?







More photos, https://www.flickr.com/photos/125163167@N05/albums/72157665325886656


TINFA continues to expand

TINFA For All_3It is the beginning of the school year in Guatemala and three new elementary schools are starting this school year (school years go from January to November in Guatemala) full of excitement, with new equipment and the potential that this collaboration with TINFA and with its network of schools and teachers will bring.

These new partners are elementary schools in the Retalhuleu region of Guatemala. They are in the same region the existing ones in their 2nd and 3rd year program, strengthening the collaboration among teachers.

We are exited about closing the loop on this 3 year model, with school partners in year 1, year 2 and year 3. It is going to be a busy year for TINFA and the teachers. It is going to be some fun and deep learning for the students!

On January 28th, University Sunrise Rotary presented TINFA presented with a generous check of $16,500 for the project in Guatemala.

TINFA grant

This was a team effort lead by the University Sunrise (kudos to Mike, Lee, Tim, Ricky and all the members), in partnership with the University Rotaract, the Mill Creek Rotary, the Guatemala Rotary del Este, as well as a generous matching from the District. What an impressive piece of work, and what an impact by the Rotary!  This grant will provide all the equipment, the training and the support for one new school entering in collaboration with TINFA this year, as well as the training and the support for one school on their second year of collaboration.

Who are we?

Well we could give a long dissertation about who we are, our qualifications or what we are about but quite often we are just smiles.

Paul W.
Jeff Mushen
Jeff M.
New member Sarah C.
President Tim
Colleen and Dan
Colleen and Dan
Jim H
Jim H.
Lee, Dave, and Phill
Lee, Dave, and Phill


Pamela Banks and Steve Barton
Pamela Banks and Steve Barton
Teri St Onge, Chase Carter, Betsy Conklin, and Pam Mushen
Teri St Onge, Chase Carter, Betsy Conklin, and Pam Mushen
Alan is wearing his Jim Lambright Celebrity Golf Classic jacket.
Alan is wearing his Jim Lambright Celebrity Golf Classic jacket.
Nancy and Ed

Dr. Stanley Stamm and Children’s Hospital

President Tim Lenihan and Dr. Stamm
President Tim Lenihan and Dr. Stamm

Our speaker February 4th was Dr. Stanley Stamm, pioneer in cardiology at Children’s Hospital. He gave a concise history of the specialty at that institution. He participated in its growth to its present state, a mecca for sick children from points near and distant. There is now a large staff of pediatric cardiologists in place, as well as three fulltime cardiac surgeons. They are steadily at work. Their success record in heart surgery, particularly transplants, is exemplary.


He also mentioned the summer camp that bears his name, which he originated years ago. Located near Mr. Rainier, it provides a week of recreation for sick children, inclusive of the seriously ill. They enjoy swimming, horseback transport, games, and do their own skits. Dr. Stamm mentions that, even in cases of children on respirators, horseback rides are provided. Special needs such as diabetes are carefully planned in advance. The endeavor requires volunteers who must do strenuous work. The children are monitored on at least a 3-1 ratio. Some 200 volunteers regularly attend.

Dr. Stamm, although retired, remains active at Children’s, attending a few meetings a week. Quite obviously, his voice is heard and respected. Residencies and fellowships are integral parts of the teaching program.

Comment: Many of those at Children’s as well as numerous teachers and practitioners locally and around the country are Dr. Stamm’s trainees. This confers on him an immortality in his own time and beyond. His residents not only experienced his teaching, but accompanied him in runs, swimming, skiing, and probably more. Anecdotes in numbers resulted from this. Finally, could there be a better place to consider allocating some funds than Dr. Stamm’s camp?

Humor from Dr. Hal

  • Mrs. Applebee, the 6th grade teacher, posed the following problem to one of her arithmetic classes:

“A wealthy man dies and leaves ten million dollars. One-fifth is to go to his wife; one-fifth is to go to his son, one-sixth to his butler, and the rest to charity.

Now, what does each get?”

After a very long silence in the classroom, Little Morris raised his hand. The teacher called on Little Morris for his answer. With complete sincerity in his voice, Little Morris answered,

“A lawyer.”

  • An expectant mother was being rushed to the hospital, but didn’t quite make it.She gave birth to her baby on the hospital lawn.Later, the father received a bill, listing “Delivery room fee: $500.”He wrote to the hospital and reminded them that the baby was born on the front lawn.A week passed, and a corrected bill arrived:”Greens Fee: $200.”

    Dr Hal
    Dr Hal


Support Teen Feed clothing drive

University Sunrise Rotary is proud to support Teen Feed! Teen-Feed-Logo
Teen Feed’s programs operate on the principle that when youth are able to rely on consistent contact with safe and non-judgmental adults, they are better able to take on the challenges of finding safe shelter, a job, or attending to their mental or physical health.  Teen Feed is a confidential program which respects the needs for safety and privacy of the young people we serve.  We provide meal site schedules to youth in program, during outreach, and at the Teen Feed office.


What: Teen Feed clothing/item drive 

When: February 4th, 7:00 AM to Noon

Where:   Ivar’s Salmon House 401 NE Northlake Way Seattle, WA 98105

We Need:

  • Full-size toothpaste and deodorants are always useful.
  • WOOL socks (still stay warm when wet). Size XL
  • Carhart-style work pants, and work boots men’s size10, 11, 12. 
  • Kids are currently requesting mini flashlights, headlamps, and batteries for the headlamps. The kids camp outside.  
  • Warm clothes
  • Sleeping bags, tents, and blankets

Join us for breakfast Thursday morning and donate to Teen Feed.